Handball tournament Whitsun in Lensterstrand/Germany on the Baltic coast
What is the Lenste Cup? A description of the tournament.
The Lenste Cup is a European handball tournament for boys’ and girls’ teams in age groups D (12-13 years) and C (14-15 years), which has been held since 1990. It takes place once a year on Whit Saturday and Sunday in Lensterstrand/Grömitz on the Baltic coast. The matches are played on open-air pitches. In the past, the teams participating in the tournament came from all over Germany (mainly north of the Main), with the occasional team from Denmark and Sweden. Players and coaches will be accommodated from Friday afternoon to Monday morning in the camp belonging to the Neumünster sports club and is located 100 m from the Baltic coast. They will be split up into groups of ten people per tent. The pitches are also located in the compound, so players can go along to the beach for a swim in-between matches.
The compound can hold about 600 people; as a rule approx. 60 teams take part. The weather is normally good at the end of May/beginning of June, but showers can occur from time to time. It is often possible to go swimming in the Baltic at this time of the year, although nights can still be quite cold.
On both Whit Saturday and Sunday there is a discotheque, which is normally very well attended. Our young guests, both male and female, also like to use this opportunity to romp around on the large compound and to make friends with other youngsters. In 2006 five Swedish girls’ teams were THE attraction of the tournament, and the Swedish hit that they brought with them could be heard coming from the youngsters’ rooms weeks after the tournament had finished, at least in and around Neumünster.
The large number of regular participants and the demand for early bookings for the following year indicate that our guests like coming here and that they enjoy the tournament. We, the handball division of the sports club Gut Heil Neumünster, constantly try to improve the tournament from year to year and are very pleased with the good and informal atmosphere amongst the guests, some of whom have visited us many times. This is why we have decided that the tournament will not be held on a larger scale and the number of participants will not exceed the maximum reached in 2006.
If you would like to take part in the Lenste Cup, please contact Dana Westphal (her contact details can be found under Kontakt). She will provide information on how you can take part in the tournament and, if required, send you the appropriate forms by e-mail.